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5 minutes with Gigi Ruf!
Monday, 19 November 2007

gigi ruf for snowbroader.eu

We met up with Gigi Ruf during the Pirate Premiere last week, and had a nice chat with him.
Gigi is - for us, but I think lots of you will agree - one of the most influential riders, with the smoothest style.
I had never met Gigi in real before, so honestly at first I was not sure that it was really him…
“How can a guy who looks so “normal” and easy, stomp those huuuge backcountry tricks?”.

Well I guess snowboarders aren’t over body build athletes. That’s why we love this sport because “normal” people can be at the top of the game. It’s - not only - about pure performance; style, and terrain lecture are also essential. That’s for the deep thoughts ;)

Lets get back to Gigi. Well check this 5 minutes video because you will learn a lot about the man: what are his plans for the season and the contests he will attend to, what’s up with his Un..inc board - Gigi reveals stuff about the 08/09 Un..inc! -, what are his plans concerning filming, Alaska and so on. To sum it up: a cool interview ;)

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