International Snowboarder Magazine - Out now
Monday, 01 October 2007

ISM is a free online snowboard magazine that represents the truly global sport of snowboarding. ISM will be published every 2 months and unlike any other snowboarding magazine, is FREE to read.

Each free issue of International Snowboarder Magazine comes jam-packed with articles that fully represent the sport and lifestyle of snowboarding. Regular features include, a video technique section with tips and tricks for beginner’s intermediates and experts alike. Interviews from the world’s top snowboarders, product reviews, resort and destination reviews, all rounded out with a global news section.

ISM uses Flash technology to bring you a complete magazine experience online. We use a navigation template that is optimised for a 1024x768 resolution or a 15inch screen. If you are using smaller screens be sure to push the full screen button to allow all the navigations bars to operate correctly.

International Snowboarder Magazine is the world’s number one online snowboarding magazine. ISM is FREE to read and published 6 times a year by Next Element Ltd.