The Worlds first online flash snowboarding magazine
Tuesday, 02 October 2007
The Worlds first online flash snowboarding magazine was launched yesterday.
International Snowboard Magazine or ISM for short uses technologies that
allow a full page flipping magazine experience on the web.    

picture2012.pngThe magazine is totally free to read and has all the qualities of a normal magazine but
with the added bonus of embedded audio and video.    The video is embedded
right onto the page and streams whilst you read the magazine, so there is no
waiting around for it to download!    The magazine also features a full
screen option (located in the top left navigation bar) this allows readers
on smaller screens to enjoy all the benefits that the magazine offers.
You can zoom, print pages off and jump backwards and forwards as much as you
like.    This first issue features some amazing photography from Cole
Barash, an interview with Nicholas Muller, a product heavy bindings review,
backside handplant technique and literally loads more!    To read the
magazine just visit the website and click on the link, it is as simple as
that, no software to download, forms to fill in or expensive subscription.
Just click the link and you're in!

ISM will be published bi monthly throughout the year taking a global look at
the sport.   It is published by Next Element Publishing Ltd.
