Home FAQ Tricks Jibbing
Monday, 06 August 2007 |
by Joshua aka Angry Boy aka josh da man |
There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the naming of jibs. It's all pretty simple though and hopefully this article will clear up any confusion. |
To start with you need to be able to say whether a trick is frontside or backside. Loads of peeps incorrectly think this is to do with the way you're facing on the rail i.e. going forwards is frontside and backwards is backside, but like I said, this incorrect. The first Boardslides were done on skateboards in swimming pools and that's where the definitions come from, if you were carving up the wall backside and went into a forward slide on the coping it was a backside Boardslide, if you carved frontside on the wall and slid backwards it was a frontside Boardslide. This was then taken across to ledges and rails so if you approach the rail with it on your front then whatever slide you do will be frontside, vice-versa for backside. To put it another way, for goofy riders if the rails on your right it's backside and if it's on your left then it's frontside, for regular riders if the rails on your left it's backside and your right frontside. 'But what if you approach the rail straight on like you do in many snowparks?' I hear you cry. As you'll find out in a bit there's a lot of tricks that come in pairs where on the rail you're doing the same thing and they only differ because of what side you came on, so if you come straight on it could either be, for example, a Boardslide or a Lipslide, personally I'd always describe it as the easiest of the two as you're making it easier by coming straight on. That may well have not made a lot of sense but hopefully all will be clear by the end.
Now you've got your frontside and backside sorted out we'll move onto the tricks, pretty much all of them come from skateboarding although some skaters will say that certain ones aren't possible on a board as you've not got trucks and wheels so you can't lock on like you would with a skateboard, suppose you need to decide whether you can or not. Here goes anyway.
Your board is parallel to the rail and you're sliding straight over the rail, definitely the first slide you're likely to try.
5-0 or tail press
Your board is parallel to the rail but all the weight is on your back foot and the board is bent so only the tail is on the rail.
Nose press
Your board is parallel to the rail but all the weight is on your front foot and the board is bent so only the nose is on the rail.
Crooked Grind
This is a debateable one as some people will say it's just a nose press. The board is anywhere from just off parallel to say 45 degrees off parallel and you're balanced on the nose like the nose press.
Boardslides and Lipslides
With both of these you're board is perpendicular to the rail with the rail being directly between your feet, the way they differ is with a Boardslide you pass your front foot over the board (like I said earlier, strictly you're coming from the side onto the rail rather than straight on) to get into that position and with a Lipslide the back foot travels over the rail. So, for a goofy rider, if you're approaching from the left (so backside) you'd pop a frontside 90 lifting your front foot over the rail and you'd land sliding forwards on the rail in a backside Boardslide. If you approached from the left again and popped a backside 90 pushing your back foot over the rail to land sliding backwards on the rail you'd be in a backside Lipslide. Approaching from the right you'd pop a frontside 90 pushing your back foot over the rail you'd land sliding forwards in a frontside Lipslide, if you approached from the right and popped a backside 90 pushing your front foot over the rail you'd land sliding backwards in a frontside Boardslide.
With slides you tend not to name the side if it's the simpler of the two i.e. the one sliding forwards. So you have Boardslides and frontside Boardslides and Lipslides and backside Lipslides.
These are the pairs of tricks I mentioned earlier when talking about approaching a rail straight on, following on from this you'll see other pairs like Noseslides and Noseblunts, Tailslides and Bluntslides etc. Anyway, coming straight on and sliding forwards it could either be a (backside) Boardslide or (frontside) Lipslide, you'd call it a Boardslide though as you've made it easier by coming straight on so you can't really big up your chest saying it's the harder Lipslide. Simple.
Noseslides and Nosebluntslides
With both these you are sliding with the board perpendicular to the rail as with boardlisdes and Lipslides but the point of contact with the rail is anywhere between under your front foot to the nose of the board. You distinguish betwen the two by whether your feet have passed over the rail to get into the slide, if they don't it's a Noseslide, if they do then it's a Nosebluntslide. So a (backside) Noseslide is forwards and frontside Noseslide is backwards, a (frontside) Nosebluntslide is forwards and a backside Nosebluntslide is backwards.
Tailslides and Bluntslides
These are like the above apart from the point of contact with the rail is anywhere from the rear foot to the tail. Tailslides you don't pass your feet over the rail and Bluntslides you do, so (frontside) Tailslide is forwards, backside Tailslide backwards, (backside) Bluntslide is forwards, frontside Bluntslide is backwards.
Smiths and Feebles
There's some debate over whether these should be called Smiths and Feebles, and this is why. On a skateboard a Smith is on the rear truck with the boarrd maybe 15 degrees off parallel and the nose pointing downwards so your points of contact with the rail are the rear truck and maybe halfway down one edge, with a Feeble you're again slightly off parallel on the rear truck with the nose pointing up so the side of the board is touching too. On a snowboard you can't really point the board up or down without falling off and so some peeps say you can't do a Smith or a Feeble, I dunno what else to call them though so Smith and Feeble it is.
On a snowboard you're bascially on the tail like a tail press but the board is not parallel with the rail, it'll point off to one side from anywhere between a few degrees and maybe 45 degrees. For Smiths nose feet pass over the rail, for Feebles both do. So (frontside) Smiths are forwards and backside backwards and (backside) Feebles are forwards and frontside Feebles backwards. |
I think that's all really, apologies if I've missed any off. Now you know what to call get yourself down the park and start bragging what you can do once you've learnt them |